viernes, 31 de octubre de 2008
martes, 28 de octubre de 2008
Mis nuevos libros::My new books
When I was in Buenos Aires I visited a lot of bookstores and I was looking specially for used books in Corrientes street and this street always had a big bookstores full of books of all types and themes and the good thing was that had a great prices because of course these books are used. But I didn´t find anything interesting at the first time, however I found these three amazing books that I can´t wait to start. Now, I´m reading a very interesting book called No Logo by Naomi Klein.
domingo, 26 de octubre de 2008
Este fin de semana mis papás nos invitaron a un club increible llamado Hacienda Santa Martina. Yo fui con mi papá a jugar golf, claro que no jugé solo lo acompañé, porque me encanta mirar los paisajes que hay, las montañas, es todo espectacular! En este club hay miles de actividades, natación, equitación, tenis, yoga, spinning, danza, gimnasio, etc. Realmente un fin de semana inolvidable.
This weekend my parents invite us to a beautiful club called Hacienda Santa Martina. I went with my dad to play golf and it was amazing, the landscapes, the mountains...absolutly breath taking!. They have a lot of activities, swimm, horses, tenis, yoga, spinning, gym, dance, etc. A really unforgetable weekend.
jueves, 23 de octubre de 2008
Me encanta Kenzo, y me gusta más por las publicidades de sus perfumes y todavía me gusta más porque odio la publicidad ultimamente, es violenta, sin sentido, estupida, etc. Pero esto es belleza pura.
I love Kenzo, and I love more the publicity of his perfums and even more because I hate publicity sometimes, It´s so stupid, violent, nonsense, etc. But this is beautiful!
martes, 21 de octubre de 2008
Rosa, mi mother in law, has a beautiful back yard, full of plants and flowers. When I was in Buenos Aires, my parents in law where travelling in the north of Argentina and they brought a lot of interesting things, typical desserts, chilies, potatos with amazing colors, cactus, cheese, etc. I was very lucky to be around in that moment, to taste and see all of these.
domingo, 19 de octubre de 2008
Las Moras
En Buenos Aires exsite este restaurant en la zona sur de la capital que se llama Las Moras. Además de ser agradable y de tener un excelente diseño de interior, se come más que rico. Esta última oportunidad fui dos veces y probé el mousse de chocolate más rico que comi en mi vida, obviamente todo estaba exquisito.
This time in Buenos Aires I went to a nice and comfortable restaurant called Las Moras. Beside of being so nice the interior design is amazing and the food is incredible. I went two times in this last trip and I ordered chocolate mousse for dessert, the most exquisite and yummy that I ever taste in my life, obviously everything was great.
miércoles, 15 de octubre de 2008
4 things

Sweet Danica tagg me when I was in Buenos Aires, sorry for the delay. I like number four, so here I go:
4 things I did today
Get up in the morning with a lot of sleep
Took the subway to the office
now I´m reading emails and catching up with the things to do today
4 things on my to do list
finish Donnie Darko movie, I rented last weekend
think about my sister´s present for her birthday
think about what I´m gonna do to my birthday party
write emails
4 of my guiltiest pleasures
chocolate mousse
my book addiction
Trent Reznor from Nine inch nails
I have a song in my ipod of Enrique Iglesias, which yes, I like it
4 random facts about me
I don´t like my hair
I laugh very loud
I love learning things
I hear and sing music of my favorites songs when I cook
I would like to invite everyone to do this tagg, and let me know please
lunes, 13 de octubre de 2008
Buenos Aires
De nuevo en casa. Realmente descansé y me tomé un break, ya tengo energías cargadas para comenzar la semana.
Si hay algo que me encanta es caminar por Buenos Aires y mirar hacia arriba, hay unos edificios hermosos. Aqui les dejo algunas imágenes de mis favoritos de esta vuelta.
Back home again. I really took a break, I have a lot of energy to start the week.
I love to walk through Buenos Aires and look up all the time, because there are so many beautiful buildings. Here my favorites of this trip
lunes, 6 de octubre de 2008
Dos años::Two years
sábado, 4 de octubre de 2008
Buenos aires allí voy::Buenos Aires here I go
In a few hours I will travel to Buenos Aires again, this time to take a break, relax and meet my family and friends. See you in a week!
jueves, 2 de octubre de 2008
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