sábado, 10 de diciembre de 2011

Tea with friends

Before we all take our holidays I prepared a nice tea time with my dearest friends. Also I was delighted because I try a lot of recipes that I never did. I guess everything was really nice, we have a great time together. I enjoy doing this things for my friends and family.

3 comentarios:

Hila dijo...

can I join you? everything looks so delicious rina.

valeria dijo...

MMMMMMM que rico! Sos un genio. Impresionante la mesa que armaste! Qué ganas de estar ahi! Se te ve muy bien. Besos ;)

Etrapar dijo...

Oh, that is such a nice treat. Ha, ha my boyfriend would be so happy if I would do that too. I hope you had a great time :)