Hila has tagged me. This is so much fun!!!
Post rules at the beginning of the post. Answer all of the questions, tag 6 people, go to their blog and leave them a comment to inform them that they have been tagged and asking them to read your blog for rules. Let the person who tagged you know when you've posted your answers.
So, here it goes:
Post rules at the beginning of the post. Answer all of the questions, tag 6 people, go to their blog and leave them a comment to inform them that they have been tagged and asking them to read your blog for rules. Let the person who tagged you know when you've posted your answers.
So, here it goes:
1. What were you doing 10 years ago?
I was taking the huge decision about my career and my future, making the big mistake to study law (can you imagine that?!), I did it for 3 years and then left to start design. It was very fuzzy times, I was gowing up, meeting new people at university, discovering myself...
2. what are the 5 things on your to do list today?
1) draw about my new muse: Isabella Blow
2) still working with the things that I really love
3) lost weight
4) read the infinit books that I have been accumulated in my library
5) start preparing everything at home for my moving to a new department
3. Snacks you enjoy
Cheese, bread, berries marmalade, fruit
4. Places you have lived
Buenos Aires and Santiago de Chile
5. What are 5 things you would do if you were a Billionaire?
1) I would hire a japanese chef to cook sushi every day
2) I would wear only Prada and Chanel (hahah I´m sorry, I laugh about myself!)
3) I would live in a castle in England with my husband and lot of dogs
4) I would open an art gallery with new and young artists
5) I would buy the whole collection of Pollock art
6. People you want to know more about:
1) my grandma Lucia, she died when I was little, she was a very interesting, wise, and lovely lady, she lived a lot of things, she went to Argentina running away from war and holocaust in Armenia, but I remember her always happy and tender, I would like to ask her a lot of questions...
2) Ella Fitzgerlad, amazing lady, amazing voice
3) Victoria Ocampo, I read a lot about her, but she was amazing, I really would like to take a tea with a long chat with her
4) Julio Cortázar, my favorite writer
5) Stefan Sagmeister
So, I´m tagging this 6 blog friends:
7 comentarios:
I'm glad you had fun :)
It sounds like we share similar family histories with regard to your grandmother - my grandmother was a holocaust survivor and I also have family who escaped to Argentina.
Have a great weekend!
Gracias, esta bueno este Meme,lo hare la proxima semana.
Hila, amazing story, I always think about what my grandparents have to live, but inspite of feel sad and regret, they build a new family, work hard, and they felt very happy.
Have a great weekend you too!
Me parecio muy interesante lo que escribiste, y ahora tengo la impresion que te conosco mejor.
Me gustaria mucho leer sobre Victoria Ocampo - que libros me recomendas?
Era algo de Silvina Ocampo? Lei 2 libros de ella que me encantaron, pero en librerias en Montevideo me dijeron que sus otros libros eran "out of print", que lastima!
Lo pongo en las tareas para mañana ;)
Qué bueno Esti! me encataría ver tus respuestas!
me encanta tu lista de cosas que harías si fueras millonaria!!!
mañana por la mañana haré este tag, me ha encantado :)
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