domingo, 4 de abril de 2010

This is why I love you Kate Spade...

6 comentarios:

Hila dijo...

I want that umbrella! I've been looking for a nice umbrella for winter.
P.S. I've tagged you Rina, see my latest post :)

Etrapar dijo...

in the first picture, that bag is fab

Katyha dijo...


I just wanted to stop by and say hi. I was born in Chile and I am a design student so had to pop in. Que rico encontrarte!

WebMaster dijo...

so cute!boa semana! Karin

Rina dijo...

Hila, thanks for the tag!! and I want that umbrella too!

Etrapar, the bag is amazing!

Kathya, gracias por tu comentario!! y eres bienvenida cuando quieras al blog!

Karin!!! no me olvido de nuestro cafe pendiente, estoy super ocupada estos días!! te escribo pronto para ponernos de acuerdo! un abrazo!

Unknown dijo...

I love the yellow top underneath the cream cardigan. Genius.